Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Draft list

101 things... (lets try and start easy) the beginings of a list, i think i may have to start list propper on my birthday

  1. Finish To kill a mockingbird (before end of october)
  2. Turn 18 (just another 6 days...)
  3. Buy alcohol illegaly before turn 18 (just another 6 days...)
  4. Remove flowers from room before they crisp up
  5. Finish the Georgia Nicholson series
  6. and then GIVE TO CHARITY SHOP
  7. complete classics challenge (ON TIME!) - 1 more book to go -how hard can it be?
  8. be early for bus every day for a week
  9. Re-sort small bookcase (alphabetically)
  10. Tidy Room:
  11. Take another binbag of rubish out of room
  12. Fill those empty boxes with stuff

  13. get new bookcases fitted so actually have free storage space in rest of room
  14. Do 10 daring things:
  15. Hold a spider (without dropping/screaming/running for the hills)
  16. go skinny dipping
  17. let someone see my stomache

  18. Go to a life modeling class with lydia (to model or to paint!)
  19. go to bed before midnight (for a week)
  20. go to bed before midnight for a week, and don't read!
  21. go to bed with dry hair (for a week)
  22. get rid of this cold.
  23. lay an egg.

  24. Make windowsill more attractive:
  25. Bring geraniums up
  26. clear away old pots, dust and cobwebs
  27. chuck away dead cacti
  28. keep orange & lemon trees alive through the winter
  29. put netting on window

  30. Healthy eating fest
  31. Sandwich/pr
  32. Buy no chocolate in college this year
  33. get down to 9st
  34. use rowing machine 10 times... for over 5 mins
  35. get a pedometer
  36. use ped. and do over 10,000 steps a day for a week (or maybe a month)
  37. try not to get sunburnt this summer
  38. avoid tics
  39. get mum to show me jewellery box
  40. Get into a uni of my choice
  41. choose said unis to apply to
  42. pass french
  43. get over a c in french
  44. get a better grade in tudor retake
  45. get a good history grade
  46. finish my personal statement

  47. draw a picture of someone
  48. stick some art on my walls
  49. get that edgar allan poe book

  50. design neclace to get made
  51. get that sun and moon bracelet
  52. buy a piece of jewellery with opal in it

  53. learn how to sleep on my back
  54. learn how to write shorthand
  55. make some natrual dye/paint
  56. make some beauty concoction... using a saucepan
  57. pass driving test
  58. pass other driving test
  59. pass driving test first time (unlikely lol)
  60. remember to take pliers in to pippa tomorrow
  61. get twilight back off lydia
  62. try not to fall over on the ice this winter
  63. smile at james (genuinely) just once! (or poss. more)
  64. hug a male someone i have never hugged before
  65. Read 10 books i thought i'd never get round to:
  66. Read a clockwork orange
  67. Read Jane Eyre
  68. Read Catch 22
  69. Read Dracula
  70. Read either Macbeth or Hamlet
  71. The colour of magic

Attempts at being healthy:
11. Eat some real food every lunch for a month (e.g. sandwich) chocolate and crisps DON'T COUNT!

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